• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery

    Friendship taxonomy

    In any taxonomy of 
    Friendship is is neccicary to classify persons from friends, people who whine to share you very soul, these people are at least for me universally odd in their own unique way. Wonderful as my grandmother would put it. She herself I've recently discovered marches to her own tune born a good 6 decades to soon. She of her red jumpers, and quirk. 
    Next are kindred spirits, these souls are people who apeal to the mind, to whom the mind connects on some level. Aquantances are those with whom ones life shares space but one feel no connection, shared goals or ideals, or history. The masses are pretty much everyone else who one might know superficially. While one is spending time in ones attic alone reading things, these are people who's name one just can't quite remember. But who one knows off more or less. A special category of people is reserved for people one meets at church picnicks, these are people who are intensely interested in you for about 1.2 seconds during some pointless introduction, are already on to the next person in an endless game of how many people can one be introduced to in an hour..... A final category aught to be reserved for persons one meets on line, who are wonderful humans, and for who one seems to share some form of soul connection but one will proberbly never meet. The world is full of amazing interesting humans, go forth and meet them. 


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