• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery

    Idea for the trees

    Doing a PHD by practice is not for sissies. You not only have to invent the practice you with to use, but also define a question which will allow you to work in the way you wish to do research. 
    Is visual spatial research even a thing, while all the theory says you can, is one able to use Vivian spactial reasoning to inteogate a problem? And what does it mean to speculated on a problem, what might a speculative proposal even look like? Can you submit a proposal without writing anything? Wouldn't that be wonderful. 

    I suspect is going to be a long few years of wondering amounghts the tree for me. In the mists of education and what not. The real question here is, how do you make an argument for visual literacy in place making? When you don't really even have a format which is designed to work on the type of work your doing? Sigh back to the trees then. 



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