• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery

    The sea inside

    For some this time of year can be rather than a time of celebration. A time for sadness, loneliness. While we reflect upon the year that was. Preparing for a new year ahead. Some of us may wonder what is it all for? What meaning does my life have? 

    If we are to live a fulfilled life of meaning the examination of the sea inside is an important aspect in our search for meaning. 
    In today's world of constant stimulation, and mental distraction. Is something which is increasingly illusive. Particularly at this time of year, when every advert we see seems to say, bye this and you will be happy, take this vacation and you will feel rested and fulfilled. 

    "What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task."(1) 

    What causes us live a life filled with meaning, in Frankels view, the the desire to find something to love for. Some goal, some person, some persuite which requires us and only us to make. This if at this time of year, you struggle to find hope. Find for that thing which leads you to hope, we are all able to constribute to making the world better. More wonderful place, for our fellow man. Be that thing, a piece of work, an artwork, and idea. A person who needs you, a pet who you love. 

    Always remember to hope for a brighter future. For a better day. For yes no matter how immense your suffering. There will be a better day. A day when you look back on today and think wow if only I could have seen what today lead too. If only I had realized then what I know know. Never give up. You life without a double is perspousefull. You life have value and meaning. 

    "Hey you. Don't give up." 

    1.Mans search for meaning- Frankel, Victor


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