• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery


    Ghosts - There be dragons.

    I'd don't know about you, but sometimes something happens, something a little disturbing perhaps and suddenly some event or the other from your childhood is recalled in Technicolor glory and its like for a while your 5 years old again, and 'thar be monster's thar'. Suddenly your spouse or partner is way confused by your reaction to said triggering event. 

    Something happen in our neighborhood this weekend, a lets call it a mild fever of some mob justice. Idiots running around beating on thieves, and generally being hot headed with firearms etc. Luckily no one was seriously harmed (including the thieves) And some cooler heads prevailed in the end. But suddenly some similar & related stories from my childhood came crawling up from under the neatly laid lawn and flower beds of my life.  

    Some of which explains why I absolutely abhor violence and can't stand firearms. And possibly why I'm generally in favor of pasavism, and all form of social justice. We are have all built our lives upon the ghost's of the monsters from our childhoods. Don't get me wrong for the most part my child hood was good. But there is some stuff there which is to say the least; a little messed up. 

    So when someone does something, or behave's some way, which is odd, or over reactive. Please remember this qoute. 

    "If you would judge first understand" 

    Many, many people are walking a journey you know nothing about, So be kind and ask what is this about now. and for goodness sake I've spend a lot of money on therapy don't dig in my garden, the soil is thin in some places. Also if your soil is thin, go speak to someone about that. 


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