• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery


    Every thing you think.

    Apparently or so i'm told, the rain in Spain does in fact NOT fall mainly on the plain. Which goes to prove a point, you really should not believe everything you think or read without proper consideration , academic discourse and a good spoonful of common sense.

    You definitely should not believe much you think about your self. its clouded with way to little objectivity, based on a case study of one. And is usually biased toward the mean kid or the dumb ass teacher who told you, that you where dumb and would never amount to much in the 2nd grade. Prove them wrong be awesome.

    *ps the rain in Spain falls mainly in the Northern mountain - you may find out about this on this link.
    The rain in spain

    *pps if you have some spare cash do consider donating to wikipedea keeping the world smarter at no cost to you. 


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