• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery

    That Which Defines us

    It's been a week of various news.  A) A dear family friend has was diagnosed with breast cancer, 
    b) A close friend welcomed the arrival of their new son into the world today.  
    Which made me think about some things. As women - how we are defined & how we define ourselves through our bodies. In spite of all the inroads feminists have achieved, in the last 100 odd years,  all the liberties and choices we have in many societies today. Why and how do we still define ourselves chiefly through our bodies what we look like, and whether or not we do or do not wish to have children? 
    What is it within ourselves and our society which questions the validity of woman who does not define themselves by such rule? Is it even possible to reach outside of these societal bonds, to find meaning Purpose and acceptance as valued member of society, if one chooses not to become a mother, and rather contribute to society in some other way be in intellectual, musically, artistically or whatever. 

    What does that tacitly say about women who can't have children? Or have to have a breast removed, or who are transgender.  How do we find new ways of thinking about what in mean to be a woman that goes beyond the physical? Into some other realm of being, of thinking of feeling. 
    If the body doesn't make one a woman then what does? 

    You will note here, that my thought here goes beyond sexuality. That my thinking is that how we define ourselves is deeper than sexuality. Somehow it goes beyond the superficial into what our purpose as people is. To our place within society, how we judge others and define ourselves. 
    I suppose, I think. If you find yourself today to be, that woman or man. Who doesn't fit that mould? For whatever reason. Be in by choice, or by fate or some other invisible hand. Know this: You are valuable, you have a purpose, your life matters. Whatever you choose your contribution to the world to be. It matters.   You matter. 


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