• The Mutterings of Mystery in Misery


    People who don't vote

    It Voting Season here in SA. Quite frankly people who don't vote because , they don't feel like it, don't see the point, or any other lame reason - a) no Bitching for the next 5 Years b) are idiot's period.


    Ok, I have a confession to make. " I'm an Architect" Nothing on earth is more annoying than correction on drawings which have nothing to do with the content of the work, and everything to do with style, preference and whimsy.  Back away from the Pen.


    Well this ones not Really original, but still so true. Stop looking at your phone and go live your life. 

    Bottling Plant

    Weird stuff that goes on in my head. My Husband Wayne, is a home Brewer the Brixton Brewers club, they want to go a bit more pro and have been dreaming about bottling plants and such...

    Anual Stress Leavels

    Well around this time of year, when your in the building industry, suddenly one fines that a) everyone has a project they want to start in January b) everyone suddenly realizes there is a whole 4 weeks they cant harass anyone in the building Industry.


    Moles of Debt

    What ever is wrong with a Nation that's has a hired debt ceiling than its current GDP. It is balancing on a very thin financial base that for sure.  Mining away at its own good credit rating because it can't control , the Bankers and the Politicians and possibly it general War mongering attitude.. Did you know Americas 400 wealthiest people have more money than the entire rest of the population COMBINED?  ( Huffington Post )


    There are many things they didn't tell you at Archi-school.
    The biggest of them being that your basic role is to take crap form all parties on the team. Regardless of if there really is anything you can do it remedy the situation. Or caused the problem at all. 

    Public Planning

    The C.O.J is basically planning to bulldoze my neighbor hood. Well unless we can do something to stop this indiscriminate densification strategy.  Why you may ask ? Well, mainly because the company who won the tender is TOO LAZY, to do a proper assessment and come up with a nuanced approach. They are also to lazy to READ the 4 or 5 documents already produced by various parties on the area and copying them.  Also apparently to lazy to hire a town planner / urban designer to do the work.

    Out Sourcing

    Don't get me wrong I love to be useful, and a contributor to society. sometimes however I wonder is some people have out source certain parts of their knowledge base to my brain? I mean sometimes something that's just taken me two minuets to do, or remember is not hard to figure out yourself. So sometimes it would be nice if you didn't ask me question to things your just to lazy to look up yourself. 


    Some Days

    And thus, on some days. One finds all one really wishes to do after having ones opinion and expertise compleatly ignored by by the client, by the builder, by the principal designer , by the subcontractor , by the joiner, by well everyone you get the picture. Is to hide under a paper bag until further notice. 


    You might be able to tell that I've spend a goodly portion of the last year, locked away in-front of my computer working on drawings and details of on site projects. However this is apparently a fruitless exercise as one frequently get phone calls from builders / subcontractors requesting a dimension.  I Ask you, "did I issue you a drawing? Is that drawing clearly marked with a scale ? ITS CALLED A RULER IDIOT. US IT!"


    The Darkitiect strikes again. Done you just LOVE it when the architect designs something which just doesn't work as planned and then uses large words to justify its inclusion in the project. 

    Job satisfaction

    On the topic of job satisfaction. One find the longer one is required to perform such simple and dull tasks as changing the roof height level.  or doing endless window schedule revisions with absolutely no design input. The lower ones desire to be at work become. 


    Some people may say the current generation of youth; That being under 35's show a distinctive lack of focus and dispirited work ethic. I however find this to be untrue.   The problem is that there are simply more enticing, engaging and stimulating things to focus on now that work simply no longer holds the minds attention.


    Step Monster

    Sometimes I wonder, if there is a stair monster. Owing to the massive avoidance of level changes in buildings. I mean honestly, why?

    I see Smart Builders

    Well yes, it HAS been one of THOSE weeks. How amazing would it be if there was any point to the X number of drawings issued to site where actually READ by the builder. 


    Stop Muttering and Go do something about it.

    And for something Different - here's a link to some tunes about life, and love and being better. Because well the world needs people to be much better.





    Ever wonder what cloud think about?

    Other people can think

    So apparently, Google rates people according to where they live, what devise they are using , past search history, so that when you type something into your browser, it will kick up things its algorithm surmises you most likely want to find. So it it in essence making dumb people dumber by excluding certain results. Which does explain why some people cant find what you can on the Internet. So think carefully before you Google funny cats.  Ok.

    But above all, think about things. Try and be intelligent  , make informed decisions. And before you open your mouth on irrelevant things do your homework. And please I beg you read the paper.


    Building Costs

    I was recently struck again by the enormatiy of rising building costs. Having spent the better part of the last 10 years dealing with this particular problem in the housing market, the above are my thoughts on the matter.


    So, Reefs Johannesburg and coastal by Durban right? 


    Mixed use development for homeless Guatemalans.... or stuff i found in my trash can.

    Well Frank ( Gehry ) Just release 3d renderings for some tower of something or the other in Toronto. Same the poor souls. I know many of you are a fan of the man but honestly.... sometimes one wonders. 

    End Well...

    If your not a South African, or not a reader of the news you may not have heard, That Nelson Mandela is gravely i'll and has been for some weeks. What with on going family spats, and arguments over funeral viewing rights, one feels there is an art in a life well lived ending well. There is a time for all things, living and dying. We may mourn his loss, but we can thank him for his legacy.

    Mandela has been South Africa's heart in a manner of speaking, allow the man the dignity to end his life in peacefully. 

    What pregnant woman think of

    Now too all my wonderful friends who are and have been pregnant in the last little while don't get mad. You know its true. Your Fetus has hijacked your brain. 


    A new Trend I've discover when answering random phone calls is an automated message telling me about some new banking product I just have to have or the latest cell phone deals. Now I've never warmed towards tele sales people but, well sometimes i'll listen to them before saying no, out of politeness and once or twice been enticed into the purchase of something usefull. However I have to ask who thought an automated service would be better? I mean hello..... blah, blah, Bla..... CLICK! 

    And other things i'd rather not know

    Now, I work in an all Woman office, which is great - Since in the past I've worked in an all Male office which is less great in certain respects and sometimes a whole lot more prank filled. However, ladies there are some things about you I really don't want to know. I don't want to know about how bad your cramps are today, or whether you mucus plug is holding. Ja dont care; unless your going into labour of course. 

    Energy Levels

    With my work load being what it is, last week I thought; Excellent idea, let me help with the Holiday club this year. The Above is what I discovered. 

    The Hills are Alive...

    Hi all Sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long, its been a busy few weeks -and thus the Hills are Alive .... with the sound of screaming Architects and Project managers. Well in the southern Hemisphere at least. What with is being mid winter and all. 


    Man Flu Prognosis

    Now woman, for those of you ignorant of the potential prognosis of "MAN FLU" ........

    Learning curve

    Some times when your life seems to consistently end up in the same place over and over, consider that there MIGHT be something to need to learn. Don't jump directly to, the world hates me, I'm a bad person , or God is punishing me.

    cesspool of anger

    One of the few certainties in Life is that life will NOT go according to plan. And you are allowed to get angry. However it is usually advisable to seek therapy before your anger spills over and hurts some one.


    To the Hills

    I Guess its been one of those months.

    Air on the brain

    Some people i wonder, if they have anything besides air in their heads.  You know the type only ever talk about themselves in a completely self centered manner, have no intrests or intellect that one may deduce from any comment. Never read or what the news. Only ever care about cloths, shoes and next summers pop tunes.

    Hiding from Reality

    Some times it would be nice.

    Put your Big Girl Panties on

    You know the sort, there's probably one in your office. The work wont be done because they've got PMS, or they've had a tiff on the home front , or they went to the gym yesterday and really cant move or a thousand other excuses. News flash, woman are often not take seriously in business because of you. So.....put you Big Girl Panties on a just DO YOUR JOB.


    You know. The honest truth is that i really don't care.

    Melville Junction [church]

    For those of you who've been wondering why posts have been erratic the last few weeks this is what I've been up to.

    Melville Junction [Church] 

    Kindly asked me to build them a web page which was less churchy and more well them - This is the result.


    An Award that should be handed out

    This is an award that should be handed out, to people who pay their rent, insurance and electricity in the same month, who make food for sick neighbours , who find the time to work an 8 hour day and come home and cook supper without complaining, For people who pay their taxes and fines on time . Who've never smoked, or taken drugs, or had some form of addiction. Because people always pat the people who get their shit together at some point on the back and say how great  such and such a person is.

    Which is great, But it would be nice to remember that some people have managed to always be responsible adults. Well at least mostly, Perhaps they deserve a little credit. So here's to all of you. YOUR AMAZING ! WELL DONE ! The world needs more people like you.

    How to annoy your employees

    I don't know what it is like in your industry, but in the Architectural world, there is this general rule of paying your employees on the absolute last day of the month. Which is fine, unless something goes wrong the the transaction Fails.

    It does however, make ones employees feel like something of a grudge purchase. You know I happy came to work and took issues all month, but I can tell that your really don't feel like paying me for the work i've done. Some times I feel like telling people who are considering the industry to turn around and consider banking or something.


    I Believe in Life before death

    I Believe in life before death. In other words least you cry "heretic" , if you don't like the way the world is, do something right now to change it. Be Kinder, more human, more loving, plant that seed , feed that needy person, love your neighbor ( Even if you don't share his religion ). Do something to bring a little heaven to earth around you right now.

    Charting Normalcy

    I'm always fascinated by the concept of 'Normal' one hears such things as 'that's not normal.' But what does any of that really mean.  most of us are a little weird really.  Its always nice to find other people who are at least as weird as we are.



    Life as always, it depends on how you look at it.

    Holy Tooth brush

    And right onto Religion - so if everything you do it holy, and everything you do is acting towards the renewal and reconciliation of God to the earth.... its follows that. your Toothbrush is holy.

    Bad things happen to good fish

    Hum, clearly its been a bit of a philosophical week or two. Less books more TV. But one does wonder...

    Dangerous Fruit

    Bet you didn't know, know that ! Although apparently its not very much and your body pretty much cancels it out.

    Critical thoughts.... Not

    Yes Well, Enough said. Strange stuff goes on in the old noggin some times.

    Woman are people NOT Possession

    I have been thinking about this a lot recently, possibly main due to news and what, not. Not to mention some thought on Woman's role in Architecture, design and the home. But that is to highfalutin for this forum.



    I Believe this is Rather cynical. However, for the most part this is all most of us do now anyway.
    Admit it. Accept It. Or Do something to change that.